Alex Ngo

Alex Ngo

Engineering Manager

Alex joined Nearform in 2016 upon completing his coursework in Informatics at the University of Washington, and following an internship with TUNE. At Nearform, Alex specializes in building highly performant user interfaces with React and modern JavaScript, while also ensuring great user experience. He’s expert at owning features end to end. Alex played an integral part in creating an e-commerce-like search tool for a Nearform client dubbed Product Discovery, from helping conceptualize the product, building out an interactive prototype, conducting usability testing, and building out the fully-fledged application. He is passionate about web performance and usability testing, and is a self-professed NBA and MMA fan.

Introducing VictoryHistogram

May 26, 2020
We've recently released VictoryHistogram, a new charting component we've added to our Victory library, that allows you to create histogram charts in React.