Amy L. Dickson

Amy L. Dickson

VP, Marketing & Communications

Amy Dickson joined the Nearform team in 2018 as the VP of Marketing & Communications. She has managed marketing and communications programs for several consulting, tech, and SaaS firms including Blink UX, L4 Digital, Airbiquity, F5, and the Bluetooth SIG. With more than 20 years of experience, Amy is expert at marketing communications, analyst and media relations, vendor and agency management, content marketing and strategy, brand and trademark management, event and trade show execution, and company stewardship. She has built communication strategies and executed programs for some of the world's largest brands. Her deep editorial and content strategy experience complement modern digital marketing efforts perfectly. She has a BA in Creative Writing from UC Santa Cruz and an MS in Mass Communications from Cal State San Jose. When not at Nearform, Amy is likely researching a new wine or restaurant.

New Research: The State of Digital Transformation

January 25, 2022
We're excited to introduce our inaugural custom research report, The State of Digital Transformation.

Retail in the Time of Coronavirus: Today and Beyond Quarantine

May 18, 2020
Current pandemic conditions have rapidly accelerated the rate of adoption of digital products in the retail industry. What happens when the shops reopen? We have a few projections.

Introducing the New Formidable Brand

April 29, 2020
Formidable has experienced extraordinary growth in the past few years. Yet, our overall brand was not able to keep up with the increasing burden of our growing footprint. So we set out to fix it.

Working Remotely: The Ups, Downs, and Sideways

March 31, 2020
Formidable, by design, is a distributed global company uniquely suited for remote work. Most of us choose to work remotely part of the time, and more than a dozen of us are what we consider "permanently remote". So when current conditions necessitated that we all shift to remote work, we decided to share some of our best practices back with the community. In this post, we highlight what works for our staff, what doesn't, and allow you to choose what you can adapt to your own WFH situations.

Your 2019 JavaScript Reading List

January 23, 2019
The internet can be a veritable treasure trove of resources IF you know where to look. We asked our staff to share some of their go-to sites for help, inspiration, breaking news, and more. Below are the top recommendations for 2019 from five members of the Formidable staff.

Formidable Opens its Denver Office Doors

October 1, 2018
Formidable has opened a new branch office in the LoDo neighborhood of Denver, CO creating a centralized location to best serve our nearby clients and grow our staff of talented engineers.