Andy is a full-stack JavaScript developer who came to Nearform in 2018 after holding roles at Bravura Solutions and Citibank. He specializes in both Typescript and CI/CD, and is also an active contributor to the GraphQL-based OSS library, urql. In a previous role, Andy grew an innovation lab from a small proof-of-concept to a fully featured implementation, which was then presented to his Board of Directors and globally recognized clients. He’s an up-and-coming blogger and speaker, and also counts tennis and classic American diner food among his passions.

Getting a Browser Extension Through Review

June 16, 2020
Whether you're publishing your first browser extension or already have one listed, it's worth making sure your submissions are prepared for a rigorous review. Here's a quick run-through for how you can lock down your browser extension and increase your chance of getting your extension approved swiftly.

urql Devtools: The Road to V1

April 28, 2020
In June 2019 we (the urql team) decided to set an adventurous goal of creating fully-featured developer tool for our GraphQL client. 10+ months, 10+ contributors, and 100+ pull requests later, we're proud to announce our first major release! Read on for the journey on how we got there.

Fixture-first Development

March 3, 2020
When you hear the word "Storybook", you probably think UI libraries. Tools like Storybook and Cosmos have been around for a few years now and do a pretty awesome job of presenting UI components in isolation. What most don't consider, however, is how these tools can go beyond just presenting UI components.

Tipple: Stealing Ideas From GraphQL and Putting Them to REST

May 16, 2019
You've been using Redux for a while now. It was exciting at first, but the amount of code you need to ship a new feature is starting to creep upwards. With every new addition to the backend, you find yourself making sweeping changes across the project. Actions, reducers, containers — it feels like you're touching every file in the codebase and you ask yourself: Were things always this complicated?