Eli Zibin

Eli Zibin

Software Engineer

Eli joins our team with a wealth of experience as a freelance consultant in React and React Native development. His past clients range from e-commerce to fintech to lifestyle brands. Before going freelance, Eli worked at Latero Labs, contributing to internal and client React Native projects- from brainstorming and prototyping, all the way to deployment. Eli is excited to delight our clients and get more involved in open source along the way.

Empowering Users: Developing Accessible Mobile Apps using React Native

July 2, 2024
Robust technical accessibility strategies and best practices we implemented for a mobile voting application using React Native.

Seamless Transitions: From Native to React Native

June 4, 2024
React Native, developed by Meta, allows developers to use a single codebase to create apps that run on both iOS and Android

Empowering Users: Developing Accessible Mobile Apps using React Native

June 26, 2023
Robust technical accessibility strategies and best practices we implemented for a mobile voting application using React Native.