Kate Schaefer

Kate Schaefer

Software Engineer

Kate joined the Nearform team in early 2019 after a career transition from Events Management to Software Engineering. Since that time she has continued to grow her technical expertise at Nearform, most recently adding GraphQL, MST, and DeckGL to her technical tool kit. Her experience managing events honed her project and people management skills enabling her to seamlessly bridge the gap between client and Nearform staff on any project she joins. She loves to refine and establish best practices on teams paving the way for collaborative and gratifying team experiences. She believes people from all walks of life and backgrounds deserve a place in tech and as a woman herself, advocates for the addition of more women into our thriving field.

Say Hello to Kate Schaefer

September 12, 2019
Our Formidable Denver office is growing! Please meet Kate Schaefer, a software engineer from Colorado.