Rob Gerstenberger

Rob Gerstenberger

Engineering Manager

Rob is an original member of Nearform, joining the firm in 2013. He serves as Lead Developer on several high-profile full stack and react native projects. When he’s not contributing to the Nearform blog or multiple open source libraries, Rob can be found working on UI building software. Rob considers himself a jack of all trades, making sizable contributions to client work for Walmart and Ookla. He is also passionate about training and has co-lead instructional courses on React Native technology.

Why we chose MobX over Redux for Spectacle Editor

June 2, 2016
For Spectacle Editor, our current collaboration with, we decided to use MobX to handle application state instead of Redux. Redux is an amazing framework, and here at Formidable we continue to use it on new and existing client projects with great results. In part, the decision to use MobX was...

Announcing Spectacle Editor, a Work In Progress

May 24, 2016
Spectacle Editor is a collaboration between Plotly and Formidable. The end result will be the first open source presentation tool with deep Plotly integration. Building on top of everyone’s favorite React slide show framework, Spectacle, we’re inviting the community to witness and participate in...