Will Golledge

Will Golledge

Engineering Manager

Will joined Nearform London in January 2020 after holding previous consulting roles at EY and AND Digital. As a full-stack engineer and team lead, Will enjoys working alongside clients to build bespoke solutions to their technical problems. Five years of industry experience working in cross-functional teams has benefited Will with a broad knowledge of the JavaScript/React ecosystem and a skillset including UI development, web architecture, analytics, pipelines, and state management. Starting his career in digital forensics allowed Will to gain an appreciation for the importance of precision, meticulousness, and security — something he has brought with him to the world of engineering.

Adapting Team Dynamics in Response to Change

July 31, 2020
Team dynamics are definitively more of an art than a science, however they are crucial to collaborative and organisational success. In this post I look at **adapting a team’s dynamic in a direct response to change**: specifically a change in personnel, or a change in working styles in light of the new remote-first lifestyles lots of us have undertaken.