Formidable at React London: Offline-First Apps & React Native for Hardware
React London
Ken Wheeler and Jani Eväkallio will be speaking at React London on Tuesday, March 28th.
Ken’s wild talk, “Weapons Grade React,” will explore the trials and tribulations he experienced while building a remotely controlled robotic crossbow with React and React Native. Using that experience as a jumping off point, Ken will explore React’s application in hardware projects.
In “Offline for the Greater Good,” Jani will explore the process of building native and Progressive Web Apps for the offline era. This year, half of world’s population will be connected to the internet; most of them in the developing world, on mobile, over poor network. For those users, offline support is not a luxury: it is basic accessibility.
Formidable London
Jani heads up Formidable’s new London office, which opened in October. In addition to leading web development for our European clients, our London office specializes in cross-platform mobile development with React Native.
Formidable London is Hiring!
Interested in working for Formidable London? We’re looking for talented Mobile Software Engineers and Senior Software Engineers to join our growing London team. If you’re attending React London and would like to talk more, ping @jevakallio and @ken_wheeler.
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