Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Principal Software Engineer

Michael P. Scott joined Nearform in 2017 after more than a decade with Costco and Starbucks. While at Costco he successfully designed and developed a complete rewrite of the interactive and batch depot distribution system of Costco Wholesale, which is responsible for more than 80% of sales. Michael is a purveyor of all things Node.js, cloud, and SQL, with specialities in database design, database performance, and tuning. He is an accomplished speaker, having given many talks about various programming concepts, SQL, database performance, and tuning. He’s also written hundreds of pages of technical training material. Michael is deeply passionate about mentoring and elevating others through training and learning, and yes, he’s seen The Office.

Mastering Auto-Complete: A Practical Guide Using Postgres and Raw SQL

July 18, 2023
In this article, you'll learn by example how to implement an auto-complete feature for your application using raw SQL and Postgres.

SQL in io-ts, Part Two: Discriminating Unions & Expressions

September 8, 2022
In this article, we’ll continue the learning journey of implementing SQL in io-ts.

Debug Jest TypeScript in VS Code, Monorepo Edition

August 17, 2022
In this article, you’ll learn about setting up VS Code to debug your TypeScript Jest test cases. By the end, you’ll have a VS Code launch configuration that you can use in your projects time and time again.

SQL in io-ts, Part One: Mutual Recursion & Sub-Select

August 10, 2022
In this series of articles, you’ll learn about how we updated our Nestjs backend by adding a new POST endpoint having a fully documented, validated, and parsed input JSON body with complete SQL support.

Zero Argument, Asynchronous Class Configuration & Instantiation

March 2, 2022
In this article, you will learn by example, a pattern for developing TypeScript service-layer classes that are capable of asynchronous, self-configuration.

Distributed Locking in DynamoDB

June 30, 2020
This article will discuss transactions in DynamoDB, their limitations, and a proposed solution involving distributing locking, replete with details.

Implementing a Distributed Lock State Machine

December 17, 2018
A complex distributed computing problem application developers may encounter is controlling access to a resource or entity in a multi-user, concurrent environment. How can we guard against an arbitrary number of concurrent processes from potentially mutating or even having any access to an entity simultaneously?