Paul joined Nearform’s growing Toronto team in October, 2020 having previously held roles at Benevity, ERTH Corporation, and Milan Direct. He counts the migration of the entire Benevity production stack to AWS as a career highlight. Here he’s committed to making our clients’ AWS environments as effective as possible while creating scalable tools and processes on cloud platforms. With a focus on cloud infrastructure, Paul specializes in AWS, Terraform, CI/CD and more. New to the speaking circuit, Paul hopes to contribute more to the community as a Nearform. He’s also an avid traveler, keen musician, and a proud Cat Dad.

So you wanna learn some AWS skills huh?

December 13, 2022
Paul shares approaches to learning and levelling up your AWS skill set when starting as a beginner.

Five Essential Non-technical Skills for SRE Success

June 8, 2022
Paul shares five essential non-technical skills (in no particular order) that he believes are necessary for SRE success.

Optimizing Incident Response Thanks to Chaos Engineering

February 17, 2022
When some think of Chaos Engineering, they may only see how common areas like resiliency, security, and performance can be improved in a system. However, one such experiment also taught me that Chaos Engineering can help improve your team’s incident response mean time to recovery (MTTR)!

3 Combat Sports Principles that Apply to Site Reliability Engineering

November 18, 2021
Principles from the combat sports world also apply in the professional life of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Here's how.

Seeking the Uncomfortable: First-Time Podcast Appearance

July 28, 2021
When Tammy Bryant Butow asked me if I wanted to be a guest on the Break Things on Purpose podcast, I was taken aback. Nervous. Uncomfortable. So I said yes. Here's how it went.