Sam Reffitt

Sam Reffitt

Director, Business Development

Our Business Development Director, Sam Reffitt, has a proven track record of creating and executing successful client-centric relationship strategies for a variety of global companies — from small consultancies through to multinational brands and FTSE 250 organizations. At Nearform, Sam delivers first-class account management to our portfolio of EMEA clients and specializes in insight-led strategies that build Formidable’s brand equity and maximize company growth. Outside of work, Sam’s life revolves around sports, music, and cheese!

Digital Transformation - What Does the Research Tell Us?

July 7, 2022
Today, no business can afford to ignore the productivity efficiencies, conveniences, and improved user experience modern digital systems can deliver.

Building Teams and Profiling Third Parties

April 21, 2022
Welcome to Part 2 of our series where we deep dive into the findings from our recently published report, ‘The State of Digital Transformation'.

Digital Transformation - Driving Success

March 9, 2022
As we enter 2022, the pace of digital change is at an all-time high and shows no evidence of slowing down. To address these changes and adapt to a swiftly evolving digital marketplace, companies are rapidly digitizing their internal operations, supply-chain management, and customer interactions.

Harnessing Data to Inform Change

November 11, 2021
To survive, businesses now need a daily customer or user engagement feed to tap into ever-changing needs and behaviours. How can this data be harnessed for positive change?

Investing in Your Technology and Team But Still Not Seeing the Desired Results?

September 9, 2021
Where do you and your company fall on the digital maturity scale? And why does it matter?