Announcing the Release of Spectacle Editor

Take control of your presentations. Open sourced. Plotly Integrated. Bring your own glitter.
Formidable is pleased to announce the release of Spectacle Editor, an open souce presentation editor built with Electron on top of Spectacle, our library for authoring interactive presentations in ReactJS. We collaborated with Plotly on this project, and it features seamless Plotly integration, including the ability to embed Plotly charts, publish presentations to, and work with Plotly on-premise installations.
Download Spectacle Editor for Mac or Windows
Image Elements & Background Images
Easily import images to your presentation or add background images to your slides.
Drag-and-Drop Functionality
Slide Transitions
Add interesting visual touches to your presentations with cool transition effects, or keep it seamless with a simple transitions.
Plotly Chart Embed
Easily showcase your Plotly charts with built-in integration support.
Export to PDF
Easily convert your presentation into PDF format for printing or uploading purposes.
Snap to Grid
Ensure elements and text are exactly centered or aligned in the way that best serves your material.
Share Presentation Link
Share a public version of your presentation with a hosted link.
Text Editing
Edit text easily on the fly.
Code Elements with Syntax Highlighting
Show off your code and really make it shine with syntax highlighting for a variety of languages.
Example Presentations
See a sample of what you can do with Spectacle Editor in the examples linked below.
* Goldman Sachs Overview * Tufte Style Visualizations * Mobile Ate the World * Quarterly Earnings Summary
Contributing to Spectacle Editor
We’d love to have more of the Open Source community contribute to Spectacle Editor. If you’re interested in doing so, please check out our Contributing Guide. Similarly, if you have any issues with Spectatcle Editor that you’d like to report and have addressed, please create an issue in Github issues.
You can also read our initial announcement of the project, and why we chose to use MobX over Redux.
Spectacle Core
You should also keep your eyes peeled for upcoming feature developments in Spectacle core:
- Plugin/Middleware API
- New fragment types
- Slide sets
- And much more!
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