Typesafe Data Layers with Fuse.js by Stellate

June 4, 2024

Imagine, your frontend and mobile teams are able to work independently and how they want without the added friction of needing to wait for APIs to be built or finding consensus across multiple groups. Fuse.js makes this dream a reality, speeding up development time and allowing frontend teams to architect the data layer based on their expertise of the UI they’re building.

The Problem

We know how it goes when developing full-scale web and mobile applications. Your frontend and backend teams often have different priorities, shifting timelines, unexpected hangups, and varying levels of expertise. We love when our teams can work together seamlessly, but this isn’t always the case when they might be spread across many time zones, and this slows development down.

Frontend teams can be blocked by APIs that aren’t fully developed, leading to extra time spent building out mock data or guessing about what the data structure will look like. Backend teams don’t always need to be bogged down by intricacies of the frontend design needs; they should be able to focus on building stable and robust APIs. Choosing to add a data layer to your applications architecture can be the bridge your teams need to operate at their full capacity.

The Solution

Using an opinionated framework that promotes best practices out of the box and does most of the hard work for you can free up your engineers to focus on what they’re best at, whether that’s developing UIs or building APIs from a vast set of resources.

Of course, collaboration is at the core of a healthy team dynamic, and I would not suggest we move away from that. It’s important for backend teams to have a sense of what the overall goals are for the frontend, and for the frontend teams to understand the foundation of the data driving the application they’re building. Fuse.js and a data layer architecture let engineering teams work in parallel, unblocking the frontend if the API isn’t complete, and giving space and time to backend teams to make informed decisions about their APIs without being rushed by the frontend timeline.

Developing codebases with modern best practices is nothing new for today’s engineers, and there are a myriad of tools that take some of the busywork out of this task. Tools like Prettier and ESLint let developers write code without thinking too much about code formatting and pattern rules, which lets them concentrate on more important aspects of the code like performance and accessibility. Fuse.js does this in a way for API querying. With built in type safety, IDE autocomplete, and auto generated entity queries, Fuse.js guides developers to an organized and thoughtful codebase.

Thoughtful Documentation

When new tools come on the market, developers are sometimes left doing lots of digging to get their questions answered, but Fuse.js launched with the documentation of a much more mature library. Getting started with Fuse.js in an existing or greenfield application is easy. The docs site has many examples and even more can be found in the Fuse.js repo.

Exciting Roadmap

As passionate advocates of Open Source Software, we’re excited about the approach Fuse.js brings to the frontend development community and their commitment to improving the tool in the ever-evolving landscape of software. Fuse.js launched with built-in support for Next.js and requires only a basic understanding of writing GraphQL queries, but they are listening to the needs of their users and expanded support is anticipated.

Maximize Your Team's Potential with Nearform_Commerce

We are experts in helping frontend and backend teams build scalable and sustainable systems. Using Fuse.js is a great way to empower your frontend team to own the data layer between your APIs and UI. From design to deployment, Nearform_Commerce can help you ship faster and craft innovative solutions. Contact us to get started.

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