Our Latest Insights

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14 results shown.
  • Screenshot Testing with Chromatic

    May 21, 2018
    Is this bubble chart correct? Answering this question with unit tests requires breaking it down into several smaller questions: Is the method responsible for calculating bubble size working as expected? Does VictoryScatter render the correct number of...
  • Introducing react-fast-compare

    May 7, 2018
    We’re excited to release a tiny new open source project: react-fast-compare. react-fast-compare provides fast deep equality comparison, with specific handling for React. It’s a fork of Evgeny Poberezkin’s very clever (and very fast!) fast-deep-equal
  • Nuka Carousel: The React Carousel, Rethought and Refined

    April 23, 2018
    Nuka Carousel is a pure-React carousel component that can support any kind of component as children, including text and images. Nuka has no built-in design, so it can be styled to fit any app. The carousel navigation can be controlled with either a container component...
  • Effortless Assertions and Testing with Enzyme Matchers 6

    March 26, 2018
    Enzyme Matchers allows you to run common assertions on your React components using Enzyme in a Jest or Jasmine environment. With it, you can easily test styles, disabled states, stylesheet classes, text and more. With version 6.0, Enzyme Matchers simplifies setup...
  • Introducing URQL (beta), a Universal React Query Library

    January 30, 2018
    Today we are formally releasing our newest OSS offering, urql. Pronounced 'urkel', it is technically an acronym for Universal React Query Library. urql is a GraphQL client created in the hopes of simplifying the use of GraphQL in React. There are some amazing solutions...
  • OAuth and PKCE with React Native

    January 16, 2018
    OAuth is an authorisation protocol that utilizes a third party to gain access to user information without exposing the user’s password. The OAuth website describes the process with a great analogy: Many luxury cars today come with a valet key. It is a special key you give...
  • Spectacle 4.0 Has Arrived

    November 14, 2017
    Since Spectacle was released in early 2016, it’s been fun spotting it in use in presentations at conferences and meetups. The PacMan progress indicator and other familiar UI elements tend give it away, and it is exciting to see every single time. However, plenty of people are still...
  • Introducing Webpack Dashboard & Electron Webpack Dashboard 1.0

    October 17, 2017
    After releasing Webpack Dashboard and Electron Webpack Dashboard, we realized that we had hit a sweet spot for developer tooling. Developers wanted to be able to have more transparency and more visual feedback from their build processes (and they like...
  • Adaptive UIs with react-image-palette

    October 9, 2017
    When you have an application driven by rich media, like images, it can be hard to develop a cohesive, universal color scheme. A lot of the time, applications end up defaulting to shades of black and white to avoid clashing with the rich colors in their content. If you...
  • Building an Offline-Only Website

    September 27, 2017
    This summer I released a small personal project: Offline. It might be the only website that you forces you offline to view it. (I know, it’s weird.)The project’s seed was planted a few years ago when I was having a really hard time concentrating while writing my thesis...
  • Introducing Electron Webpack Dashboard

    August 16, 2017
    One year ago yesterday, I released webpack-dashboard. It ended up getting a lot more popular than I thought it would! As it turns out, everyone wants to pretend like they are working at NASA. Shortly after releasing it, and selling it under the guise of it feeling like...
  • Why React Native is the Best Choice for Making Native Apps

    June 14, 2017
    Companies often eschew building native apps, thinking hybrid solutions will be easier and more cost effective to build. They end up shoving a not-so-responsive web app into some kind of native web frame, which ultimately leads to terrible user experience. Many companies opt to have...
  • Javascript Power Tools Part III: Real-world redux-saga Patterns

    June 7, 2017
    In the past two articles, we've talked a lot about redux-saga in the abstract, without much concern for real-world applications. Now that we’re equipped with new knowledge, we're ready to jump in and start putting the pieces back together. First, we'll take a look at a pattern...
  • Live Editing React Components for Better Documentation

    May 31, 2017
    As stated in a previous post about documentation, Your Docs And You, the best response to well made docs is simply, 'I get it!' When writing documentation, it's sometimes easy to forget that someone on the other end will actually be reading your docs. Writing docs can be as difficult as...