Renders a dataset as series of bars representing "bins", allowing the ability to view distribution of the data. The data passed in will be "binned" according to the bin
prop that is provided (if any), allowing for flexibility in how these bins are determined.
Histograms are intended to be used with quantitative data. Please use Bar Charts for qualitative or categorical data.
See the full API here. Typically composed with VictoryChart
to create full charts.
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryHistogram data={sampleHistogramData} /> </VictoryChart>
Histogram - Labels
Add labels to charts by setting the labels
prop to the name of a property in the dataset, or a function that returns the label value. You can customize the display of the labels by using the labelComponent
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryHistogram data={sampleHistogramData} labels={({ datum }) => `Bin count:\n ${datum.y}`} /> </VictoryChart>
Histogram - Tooltips
Tooltips can be added by using a VictoryTooltip
component as the labelComponent
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryHistogram data={sampleHistogramData} labels={({ datum }) => `Bin count:\n ${datum.y}`} labelComponent={<VictoryTooltip />} /> </VictoryChart>
Histogram - Horizontal
Histograms can be rendered horizontally by setting the horizontal
prop to true
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryHistogram horizontal data={sampleHistogramData} /> </VictoryChart>
Histogram - Stacked
Histograms can be stacked to visualize the distribution of numerical data across different categories.
const startDate = new Date( "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", ); const endDate = new Date( "2020-12-31T11:59:59.000Z", ); const genres = [ "pop", "rap", "hip-hop", "r&b", "indie", "alternative", ]; const listeningData = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { listeningData.push({ day: new Date( _.random( startDate.getTime(), endDate.getTime(), ), ), genre: genres[ _.random(0, genres.length - 1) ], }); } const groupedData = _.groupBy( listeningData, ({ genre }) => genre, ); const sharedAxisStyles = { tickLabels: { fontSize: 13, }, axisLabel: { padding: 39, fontSize: 13, fontStyle: "italic", }, }; const App = () => { return ( <VictoryChart height={450} padding={70} scale={{ x: "time" }} containerComponent={ <VictoryVoronoiContainer style={{}} labels={({ datum }) => datum.y > 0 ? `${datum.y} ${datum.binnedData[0].genre} songs` : null } /> } theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryLabel x={225} y={25} textAnchor="middle" text="Songs listened to in 2020" /> <VictoryStack colorScale={[ "#003f5c", "#2f4b7c", "#665191", "#a05195", "#d45087", "#f95d6a", "#ff7c43", "#ffa600", ]} > {Object.entries( groupedData, ).map(([key, dataGroup]) => { return ( <VictoryHistogram data={dataGroup} key={key} x="day" binSpacing={8} style={{ data: { strokeWidth: 0, }, }} /> ); })} </VictoryStack> <VictoryAxis tickCount={12} tickFormat={(date) => date.toLocaleString( "default", { month: "short" }, ) } style={sharedAxisStyles} /> <VictoryAxis dependentAxis label="Total # of Songs" style={sharedAxisStyles} /> </VictoryChart> ); }; render(<App />);
Histogram - Styles
Chart styling can be customized by using the theme or overriding the style prop on the component.
<VictoryChart domainPadding={20} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryHistogram style={{ data: { fill: ({ datum }) => datum.y === 3 ? "#000000" : "#c43a31", stroke: ({ index }) => +index % 2 === 0 ? "#000000" : "#c43a31", fillOpacity: 0.7, strokeWidth: 3, }, labels: { fontSize: 15, fill: ({ datum }) => datum.y === 3 ? "#000000" : "#c43a31", }, }} data={sampleHistogramData} labels={({ datum }) => datum.y} /> </VictoryChart>
Standalone Rendering
Histogram charts can be rendered outside a VictoryChart.
<VictoryHistogram theme={VictoryTheme.clean} data={sampleHistogramData} />
They can also be embeded in other SVG components by using the standalone
<div style={{ padding: "20px" }}> <svg width={300} height={300} style={{ display: "block", margin: "0 auto", }} > <circle cx={150} cy={150} r={150} fill="#9ded91" /> <VictoryHistogram standalone={false} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} width={300} height={300} padding={{ left: 10, right: 10 }} data={sampleData} /> </svg> </div>