Emma Brillhart

Emma Brillhart

Director of Engineering

Since joining the Nearform team in 2016, Emma has worked extensively on enterprise-scale, consumer-facing projects for prominent clients, including leading the firm's largest project team to date. In 2019 she also co-built, launched, and now manages the Nearform Phoenix branch office. She is an Engineering Manager with strong React and GraphQL skills who is fantastic at communicating with clients and stakeholders. An accomplished international speaker and a past contributor/maintainer of some of Formidable's most-used open source libraries, Emma is passionate about making tech a more compassionate and inclusive industry that uses its power for improving the lives of many, not few.

Meet Emma Brillhart

November 14, 2019
We'd like to introduce you to Emma Brillhart. Emma is a senior developer, engineering manager, experienced speaker, co-lead of our newest office in Phoenix, Arizona, and now leads our DevRel program at Formidable.

Lightweight Client-Side Tests with React-Testing-Library

April 11, 2019
I have a confession to make: I usually dread writing tests. I especially dread writing them early on in a project, when components are still subject to rapid change and iteration. A few weeks ago, I found myself in that position—I had written new components that needed test coverage, but I knew there were several iterations of both designs and features ahead of us.

New Spectacle Lander

April 1, 2019
Formidable and the Spectacle team are excited to announce the launch of the new Spectacle lander on the Formidable website! We've updated the branding and brought the lander more in line with our company's overall brand.

Announcing Spectacle Boilerplate MDX

October 15, 2018
Formidable is thrilled to announce the release of Spectacle Boilerplate MDX. Now you can write your Spectacle presentations in markdown while seamlessly including React components and JSX.

Formidable is Now Mobile

October 18, 2016
Victory UI Explorer is now available for iOS and Android. Check out what you can do when you combine React Native and Victory, Formidable's charting library. Built by Formidable's own Angela Nicholas. Download Victory UI Explorer for iOS or Android. View the source code for Victory UI...

Announcing the Release of Spectacle Editor

September 22, 2016
Formidable is pleased to announce the release of Spectacle Editor, an open souce presentation editor built with Electron on top of Spectacle, our library for authoring interactive presentations in ReactJS. We collaborated with Plotly on this project, and it features seamless Plotly integration...

Introducing React Game Kit

September 15, 2016
React Game Kit is Formidable’s newest release, written by the one and only Ken Wheeler. Since Ken is busy killing it in Israel at ReactNext, I’m giving a rundown of what React Game Kit is and why you should use it. Ken's slides from his React Next talk can be found here, and I highly recommend...

Announcing Victory 0.10.2 and VictoryNative

August 5, 2016
It’s been a while since the release of Victory 0.9.0 back in June, so we’re excited to add several new features and bug fixes in order to continue making the creation of D3 charts in React as painless as possible. This post will explore some of the highlights of the new...

Being Formidable

March 21, 2016
Inside Formidable, we encourage collaboration and bold, well-researched ideas. Some ideas stick with you longer than others, and continue to inform you work, either directly or indirectly. Here are some that keep the creative fire burning for members of our team. The idea that creating things...

The Only Correct Script Loader Ever Made

January 7, 2016
A team here at Formidable was recently tasked with choosing a JavaScript loader in order to dynamically load scripts in the browser. After exhaustively testing every script loader we could think of, we found them all to fail in at least one way. With a complete test suite in hand, we set out to...