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Version: 1.0.x

Getting Started

AMA is made of the following packages:

  • @react-native-ama/core: the core components and hooks, providers and consumers used by AMA packages
  • @react-native-ama/animations: to create accessible animations
  • @react-native-ama/react-native: for accessibility-first React Native replacement components
  • @react-native-ama/forms: to create accessible forms
  • @react-native-ama/lists: to create accessible lists
  • @react-native-ama/extras: extra compound components and hooks beyond the scope of the base React Native components for building accessible react native apps


The core package, is the minimum installable setup for AMA to function. This package contains the AMA context provider and consumer as well various other hooks and utilities for focusing, WCAG checks, accessibility tree management, etc.

Start off by installing core and then any other packages you wish to make use of for building an accessible mobile app.

npm install  @react-native-ama/core

Config File

When you install the @react-native-ama/core package, the ama.rules.json file should be generated automatically. If this didn't happen you can run the following from the root of your project:

# Create ama.rules.json with an empty JSON object if it doesn't exist
echo "{}" >> ama.rules.json

# Navigate to the internal directory
cd node_modules/@react-native-ama/internal

# Create symlinks in src and dist directories
ln -s ../../../ama.rules.json src/ama.rules.json
ln -s ../../../ama.rules.json dist/ama.rules.json

# Go back to the root directory
cd -

See more on configuring AMA rules and severity here.


When running a test, if jest fails with the following error:

Cannot find module './../../ama.rules.json' from 'node_modules/@react-native-ama/internal/dist/utils/logger.js'

Add the following mock to your jest setup file which can be configured via the .jest.config.js or .jest.config.ts file (see setupFilesAfterEnv):

jest.mock('@react-native-ama/internal/dist/utils/logger.js', () => {
return {
getContrastCheckerMaxDepth: () => 5,
shouldIgnoreContrastCheckForDisabledElement: () => true,