📄️ Configuration
This is your configuration object for the client. The config is passed into each of the methods
📄️ Authorization
This is the main function to use for authentication. Invoking this function will do the whole login
📄️ Refresh Token
This method will refresh the accessToken using the refreshToken. Some auth providers will also give
📄️ Registration
This will perform dynamic client registration on the given provider.
📄️ Revoke Token
This method will revoke a token. The tokenToRevoke can be either an accessToken or a refreshToken
📄️ Logout
This method will logout a user, as per the OpenID Connect RP Initiated Logout specification. It requires an idToken, obtained after successfully authenticating with OpenID Connect, and a URL to redirect back after the logout has been performed.
📄️ Error Messages
Values are in the code field of the rejected Error object.
📄️ Android Prefetch
This will prefetch the authorization service configuration. Invoking this function is optional and will speed up calls to authorize. This is only supported on Android.