📄️ Asgardeo
To add authentication to your app using Asgardeo, you will first need to create an application in the Asgardeo console. If you don't have an Asgardeo account, you can signup for one free.
📄️ AWS Cognito
First, set up a your user pool in the AWS console. In the details of your new user pool, go down to App clients to create a new client. Make sure you create a client without a client secret (it's redundant on mobile). You should get an alphanumeric string which is your ``.
📄️ Azure Active Directory B2C
Detailed documentation here.
📄️ Azure Active Directory
Azure Active directory has two OAuth endpoints - v1 and v2. Ideally, you'd want to use v2, but it has some limitations, e.g. if your application relies on SAML, you'll have to use v1.
📄️ Coinbase
Create a new OAuth application in the console.
📄️ Dropbox
Dropbox provides an OAuth 2.0 endpoint for logging in with a Dropbox user's credentials. You'll need to first register your Dropbox application here.
📄️ Fitbit
Fitbit provides an OAuth 2.0 endpoint for logging in with a Fitbit user's credentials. You'll need to first register your Fitbit application here.
📄️ FusionAuth
FusionAuth does not specify a revocation endpoint so revoke functionality doesn't work. Other than that, full functionality is available.
📄️ GitHub
Go to OAuth Apps to create your app.
Full support out of the box.
📄️ Identity Server 3
This library supports authenticating with Identity Server 3. The only difference from
📄️ Identity Server 4
This library supports authenticating for Identity Server 4 out of the box. Some quirks:
📄️ Keycloak
Keycloak versions prior to May 2020 do not specify a revocation endpoint so revoke functionality doesn't work. If you require the ability to call revoke you'll need to ensure you're on a modern version of Keycloak.
📄️ Microsoft Entra ID
If you're using Microsoft Identity platform and want to add App Auth to your React Native application, you'll need an Entra application to authorize against.
📄️ Microsoft
1. Supplying "issuer" fails, because Microsoft returns issuer with the literal string https//login.microsoftonline.com/common/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration is queried.. We need to manually specify serviceConfiguration.
📄️ Okta
Full support out of the box.
Log in and go to apps to create your app.
📄️ Slack
If you don't already have a slack app, create it here.
📄️ Spotify
If you don't already have a spotify app, create it here.
📄️ Strava
Strava is not 100% spec compliant, but it is still possible to get this to work with this library.
📄️ Uber
Uber provides an OAuth 2.0 endpoint for logging in with a Uber user's credentials. You'll need to first create an Uber OAuth application here.
📄️ Unsplash
If you don't already have a unsplash app, create it here.