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FusionAuth does not specify a revocation endpoint so revoke functionality doesn't work. Other than that, full functionality is available.

  • Install FusionAuth.
  • Create an application in the admin screen. Note the client id.
  • Set the redirect_uri for the application to be a value like fusionauth.demo:/oauthredirect where fusionauth.demo is a scheme you've registered in your application.

Use the following configuration (replacing the clientId with your application id and fusionAuth.demo with your scheme):

const config = {
issuer: 'http://localhost:9011',
clientId: '253eb7aa-687a-4bf3-b12b-26baa40eecbf',
redirectUrl: 'fusionauth.demo:/callback',
scopes: ['offline_access', 'openid'],

// Log in to get an authentication token
const authState = await authorize(config);

// Refresh token
const refreshedState = await refresh(config, {
refreshToken: authState.refreshToken,

Check out a full tutorial here: