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Animated Paths


The useAnimatedPath hook takes a Skia SkPath object and an animation configuration, and returns a Reanimated "derived value" that will animate the path if its points change.


import {
type PointsArray,
} from "victory-native";
import { Path } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
import DATA from "./my-data";

function MyAnimatedLine({ points }: { points: PointsArray }) {
const { path } = useLinePath(points);
// 👇 create an animated path
const animPath = useAnimatedPath(path);

return <Path path={animPath} style="stroke" color="red" strokeWidth={3} />;

export function MyChart() {
return (
<CartesianChart data={DATA} xKey="x" yKeys={["y"]}>
{({ points }) => <MyAnimatedLine points={points.y} />}

Skia can only interpolate (and hence animate) paths with the same number of points. Therefore, animating a path will only work if the number of points stays the same.

If you e.g. add a data point to a path, don't expect the path to animate.


useAnimatedPath has a function signature as follows:

useAnimatedPath(path: SkPath, animConfig: PathAnimationConfig): SharedValue<SkPath>;


An SkPath that is e.g. returned from useLinePath or useAreaPath that should be animated when its points change.


The animConfig argument is where you specify Reanimated options for animating the path and has a type of:

type PathAnimationConfig =
| ({ type: "timing" } & WithTimingConfig)
| ({ type: "spring" } & WithSpringConfig)
| ({ type: "decay" } & WithDecayConfig);

where WithTimingConfig, WithSpringConfig, and WithDecayConfig are types from react-native-reanimated.

Find more information on the specific animation options here: