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The CartesianChart and PolarChart components have opt-in support for "pan/zoom" gestures simply by using the useChartTransformState hook.


The useChartTransformState hook provides the necessary state management for pan and zoom gestures. It accepts an optional configuration object and returns an object with a state property.


The hook accepts a configuration object with the following options:

type ChartTransformStateConfig = {
scaleX?: number; // Initial X-axis scale
scaleY?: number; // Initial Y-axis scale

Return Value

The hook returns an object with a state property that contains:

state: {
panActive: SharedValue<boolean>; // Whether a pan gesture is currently active
zoomActive: SharedValue<boolean>; // Whether a zoom gesture is currently active
origin: SharedValue<{ x: number; y: number }>; // The origin point for transformations
matrix: SharedValue<Matrix4>; // The current transformation matrix
offset: SharedValue<Matrix4>; // The offset transformation matrix

Basic Usage

To enable pan and zoom gestures on a chart, pass the transform state to the chart's transformState prop:

import { CartesianChart, useChartTransformState } from "victory-native";

function MyChart() {
const transformState = useChartTransformState({
scaleX: 1.5, // Initial X-axis scale
scaleY: 1.0, // Initial Y-axis scale

return (
// ... other props
{/* chart content */}

If no configuration is provided, the chart will initialize with a scale of 1.0 for both axes.

Transform Gesture Configuration

You can customize the pan gesture behavior using the transformConfig prop:

pan: {
activateAfterLongPress: 100, // Delay in ms before pan gesture activates
{/* chart content */}

Utility Functions

Several utility functions are available to help work with chart transformations:


Extracts the scale and translation components from a transformation matrix:

const { scaleX, scaleY, translateX, translateY } = getTransformComponents(matrix);


Updates the scale components of a transformation matrix:

// Set uniform scale
const newMatrix = setScale(matrix, 2.0); // scales both X and Y by 2.0

// Set different X and Y scales
const newMatrix = setScale(matrix, 2.0, 1.5); // scaleX = 2.0, scaleY = 1.5


Updates the translation components of a transformation matrix:

const newMatrix = setTranslate(matrix, 100, 50); // moves 100 units in X, 50 in Y

These utility functions are particularly useful when you need to programmatically modify chart transformations or read the current transformation state.