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Enables curtain-style transitions for continuous data types like VictoryLine and VictoryArea. VictoryClipContainer will render its children either in a regular <g> element, or in a <g> element clipped by a rectangular clip path when a clipWidth is supplied.


For examples of VictoryClipContainer in action, visit the containers guide.

Component Props


type: ReactElement | ReactElement[]

VictoryClipContainer renders a single child, or an array of children in group element.


type: ReactElementdefault: <Circle/>

The circleComponent prop specifies the element to use when a VictoryClipContainer renders a circular clip path. By default, VictoryClipContainer uses the Circle component.


type: string

The className prop specifies a class name that will be applied to the rendered element.


type: number

The clipHeight prop determines the base height of the rectangular clip path. This prop should be given as a number. If this prop is not given, it will be calculated based on the height and padding of the parent chart.


type: string | number

The clipId prop may be used to set a deterministic id for the container. When a containerId is not manually set, a unique id will be generated. It is usually necessary to set deterministic ids for automated testing.


type: { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }

The clipPadding prop is used when the clipped area should be larger than the range of a chart. This prop should be given as an object with top, bottom, left, and right properties. Set the clipPadding prop is useful for extending the visible area of a chart in some dimension so that data or labels are not cut off.


type: ReactElementdefault: <ClipPath/>

The clipPathComponent prop specifies the clip path to apply to the rendered group when appropriate. By default, VictoryClipContainer uses the ClipPath component.


type: number

The clipWidth prop determines the base width of the rectangular clip path. This prop should be given as a number. If this prop is not given, it will be calculated based on the width and padding of the parent chart.


type: object

The events prop attaches arbitrary event handlers to the group element. This prop should be given as an object of event names and corresponding event handlers. When events are provided via Victory's event system, event handlers will be called with the event, the props of the component it is attached to, and an eventKey when applicable.

examples: events={{onClick: (evt) => alert("x: " + evt.clientX)}}


type: ReactElementdefault: <g/>

VictoryClipContainer uses the standard groupComponent prop. Read about it here


type: { x: number, y: number }

Victory components will pass an origin prop to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. This prop should not be set manually.


type: boolean

Victory components can pass a boolean polar prop to specify whether a label is part of a polar chart. This prop should not be set manually.


type: number

The radius prop determines the radius of the circular clip path used for polar charts. This prop should be given as a number. If this prop is not given, it will be calculated based on the dimensions and padding of the parent chart.


type: ReactElementdefault: <Rect/>

The rectComponent prop specifies the element to use when a VictoryClipContainer renders a rectangular clip path. By default, VictoryClipContainer uses the Rect component.


type: number

The translateX prop determines the offset of the clip path from the base x coordinate. This prop should be given as a number. If this prop is not given, it will be calculated based on the padding of the parent chart.


type: number

The translateY prop determines the offset of the clip path from the base y coordinate. This prop should be given as a number. If this prop is not given, it will be calculated based on the padding of the parent chart.

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