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Victory is built around a set of simple, stateless components. Along with VictoryContainer, VictoryClipContainer, and VictoryLabel, the following list represents every simple element a Victory component might render. These simple components are responsible for supplying props to primitive components. Victory maintains a small subset of primitive components with additional logic in place to prevent unnecessary rendering. Extracting every rendered element into its own component allows Victory to support both web and React Native applications with very little additional code, as only a few components need to be modified to render react-native-svg elements rather than SVG elements. These primitives are also exposed for users to wrap, extend or reference when creating their own custom rendered components.

Primitive Components

Each of these primitive components renders SVG elements. The following components are the only Victory components that render SVG elements with the exception of VictoryContainer and VictoryPortal. These elements are used by other simple components such as Bar and Area.


Used by VictoryLegend

const Border = (props) => <Rect {...props} />;


Used by Background, VictoryClipContainer, and Voronoi

const Circle = (props) => <circle vectorEffect="non-scaling-stroke" {...props} />;


Used by VictoryClipContainer and Voronoi

const ClipPath = (props) => (
<clipPath id={props.clipId}>{props.children}</clipPath>


Used by Axis, Candle, and ErrorBar

const Line = (props) => <line vectorEffect="non-scaling-stroke" {...props} />;


Used by Arc, Area, Bar, Curve, Flyout, Point, Slice, and Voronoi

const Path = (props) => <path {...props} />;


Used by VictoryClipPath, Background, Border, and Candle

const Rect = (props) => <rect vectorEffect="non-scaling-stroke" {...props} />;


Used by VictoryLabel

const Text = (props) => {
const { children, title, desc, } = props;
return (
<text {}>
{title && <title>{title}</title>}
{desc && <desc>{desc}</desc>}


Used by VictoryLabel

const TSpan = (props) => <tspan {...props} />;

Simple Components


VictoryPolarAxis uses the Arc primitive to draw circular axes and grid lines. Arc renders a <Path> element. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Arc
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered path
  • closedPath boolean a flag signifying whether this arc is should render a closed path
  • cx number the x coordinate of the center of the arc path
  • cy number the y coordinate of the center of the arc path
  • datum any the data point or tick corresponding to this arc
  • endAngle number the end angle of the arc given in degrees
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the element used to group rendered elements default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • r number the radius of the arc
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • startAngle number the start angle of the arc given in degrees
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Arc
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders


VictoryArea uses Area to represent an entire dataset. Area renders a <Path/> element, or a group of paths if the stroke of the area should be rendered in a different style from the filled section of the area. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Area
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered path
  • data array the entire dataset used to define the area
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the element used to group rendered elements default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • interpolation string or function the interpolation to use when calculating a path
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function that will be applied to rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Area
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders


The LineSegment component renders straight lines. This component is used to render grids, ticks, and axis lines in VictoryAxis. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered lineComponent. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to LineSegment
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this line
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this line within the dataset
  • lineComponent element the rendered line element default <Line/>
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered elements
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or funciton will be applied to the rendered lineComponent. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to LineSegment
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • x1 number the x coordinate of the beginning of the line
  • x2 number the x coordinate of the end of the line
  • y1 number the y coordinate of the beginning of the line
  • y2 number the y coordinate of the end of the line


The Background component is used to render an SVG background on VictoryChart. Background will render a <Circle> for charts with polar={true} and a <Rect> element for all other charts. View the source


  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered path
  • circleComponent element the rendered circle element default <Circle/>
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • height number the height of the <rect/> element
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • rectComponent element the rendered rect element default <Rect/>
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • rx number the x radius of the rendered <rect/> element
  • ry number the y radius of the rendered <rect/> element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • width number the width of the <rect/> element
  • x number the x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the background for non-polar charts and center of the background for polar charts
  • y number the y coordinate of the top of the background


VictoryBar uses Bar to represent a single data point as a bar extending horizontally or vertically from the independent axis. Bar renders a <Path> element. It is also used by VictoryHistogram to represent "bins" of data. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • alignment *"start", "middle", or "end" specifies how a bar path should be aligned in relation to its data point
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Bar
  • barRatio number a number between zero and one that will be used to calculate bar width when an explicit width is not given
  • barWidth number or function A prop defining the width of the bar. When this prop is given as a function, it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Bar.
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered path
  • cornerRadius number, function or object the number of pixels of corner radius to apply when calculating a bar path. When this prop is given as a function, it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Bar. When given as an object, this prop may include values for top, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft and bottomRight, with more specific values overriding less specific values
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this bar
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this bar within the dataset
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function number applied to rendered path. When given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Bar
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • width number the width of parent chart (used to calculate default bar width style.width is not supplied)
  • x number the x coordinate of the top of the bar
  • y0 number the y coordinate of the baseline of the bar
  • y number the y coordinate of the top of the bar


VictoryLegend uses the Box component to draw a border around a legend area. Box renders a <Rect/> element. View the source

note Box also exported as Border


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop that controls the a propcontrollings the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Box
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • height number the height of the <rect/> element
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • rectComponent element the rendered path element default <Rect/>
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered element
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function will be applied to the rendered path. When given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Box
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • width number the width of the <rect/> element
  • x number the x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the <rect/> element
  • y number the y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the <rect/> element


VictoryCandlestick uses Candle to represent a single data point as a candle. Candle renders a group with <Rect> and <Line> elements. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered <Rect> and <Line> elements. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Candle
  • candleRatio number a number between zero and one that will be used to calculate candle width when an explicit width is not given
  • candleWidth number or function A prop defining the width of the candle. When this prop is given as a function, it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Candle.
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • close number the y coordinate of the closing value
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this candle
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the element used to group rendered elements default <g/>
  • high number the y coordinate of the high value
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this candle within the dataset
  • lineComponent element the rendered line element default <Line/>
  • low number the y coordinate of the low value
  • open number the y coordinate of the opening value
  • rectComponent element the rendered path element default <Rect/>
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered elements
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered <Rect> and <Line> elements. When given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Candle
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • width number the width of parent chart (used to calculate default candle width style.width is not supplied)
  • widthStrokeWidth number the stroke width of the candle wick. (style.strokeWidth will be used when this value is not given)
  • x number the x coordinate of the candle


VictoryLine uses Curve to represent an entire dataset as a line or curve. Curve renders a <Path> element. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Curve
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • data array the entire dataset used to define the curve
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the element used to group rendered elements default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • interpolation string or function the interpolation to use when calculating a path
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function will be applied to the rendered path. When given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Curve
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders


VictoryErrorBar uses ErrorBar to render x and y error bars. ErrorBar renders a group of <Line> elements. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the group, g, containing the rendered <Line> elements. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to ErrorBar
  • borderWidth number the width of the cross-hairs on the end of each error bar default: 10
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this error bar
  • errorX number, array, or boolean errors in the x dimension.
  • errorY number, array, or boolean errors in the y dimension.
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the element used to group rendered elements default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this error bar within the dataset
  • lineComponent element the rendered line element default <Line/>
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered elements
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function applies to the group, g, containing the <Line> elements. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to ErrorBar
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • x number the x coordinate of the center of the error bar
  • y number the y coordinate of the center of the error bar


VictoryTooltip uses Flyout to render a flyout style path around text. Flyout renders <Path> element. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • center object the center coordinates of the flyout
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • cornerRadius number the corner radius of the flyout
  • data array the entire dataset if applicable
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this flyout if applicable
  • dx number offset in the x dimension.
  • dy number offset in the y dimension.
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • height number the height of the flyout
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this flyout within the dataset
  • orientation "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • pointerLength number the length of the triangular pointer
  • pointerWidth number the width of the base of the triangular pointer
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered elements
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • width number the width of the flyout
  • x number the x coordinate of data point associated with this flyout
  • y number the y coordinate of data point associated with this flyout


VictoryScatter uses Point to render each point in a scatter plot. Point renders a <Path> element. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Point
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this point
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • getPath function a function of x, y, and size that returns a path string. When this optional function is provided, it will be used to calculate a path, rather than one of the path functions corresponding to the symbols supported by Point.
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this point within the dataset
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • scale object the x and y scale of the parent chart with domain and range applied
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • size number or function the size of the point. When this prop is given as a function, it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Point.
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • symbol "circle", "cross", "diamond", "plus", "minus", "square", "star", "triangleDown", "triangleUp" which symbol the point should render. This prop may also be given as a function that returns one of the above options. When this prop is given as a function, it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Point.
  • tabIndex number or function number will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Point
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders
  • x number the x coordinate of the center of the point
  • y number the y coordinate of the center of the point


VictoryPie uses Slice to render each slice in a pie chart. Slice renders a <Path> element. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • cornerRadius number or function the corner radius to apply to this slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this slice
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this slice within the dataset
  • innerRadius number or function the inner radius of the slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with datum and active.
  • padAngle number or function the angular padding to add to the slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • pathFunction function a function that calculates the path of a given slice. When given, this prop will be called with the slice object
  • radius number or function the outer radius of the slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • slice object an object specifying the startAngle, endAngle, padAngle, and data of the slice
  • sliceEndAngle number or function the end angle the slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • sliceStartAngle number or function the start angle of the slice. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function number will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Slice.
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders


VictoryVoronoi uses Voronoi to render voronoi polygons. Voronoi renders either a <Path> element corresponding to a voronoi polygon, or a <Circle/> clipped with a <ClipPath> defined by the path of the polygon. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Voronoi
  • circleComponent element the rendered circle element default <Circle/>
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • clipPathComponent element the rendered clipPath element default <ClipPath/>
  • data array the entire dataset
  • datum object the data point corresponding to this voronoi polygon
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the rendered group element default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • index number the index of this voronoi polygon within the dataset
  • origin object the svg coordinates of the center point of a polar chart
  • pathComponent element the rendered path element default <Path/>
  • polar boolean a flag specifying whether the component is part of a polar chart
  • polygon array an array of points defining the polygon
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered path
  • size number the maximum size of the voronoi polygon
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function will be applied to the rendered path. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Voronoi
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders.
  • x number the x coordinate of the data point
  • y number the y coordinate of the data point


VictoryBoxPlot uses the Whisker component to draw whiskers for the minimum and maximum values in a box plot. Whisker renders a group of <Line/> elements. View the source


  • active boolean a flag signifying whether the component is active
  • ariaLabel string or function a prop controlling the aria-label that will be applied to the rendered <Line> elements. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Whisker
  • className string the class name that will be applied to the rendered element
  • events object events to attach to the rendered element
  • groupComponent element the rendered group element default <g/>
  • id string or number an id to apply to the rendered component
  • lineComponent element the rendered line element default <Line/>
  • majorWhisker object an object with values x1, x2, y1, y2 describing the major whisker line
  • minorWhisker object an object with values x1, x2, y1, y2 describing the minor whisker line
  • role string the aria role to assign to the element
  • shapeRendering string the shape rendering attribute to apply to the rendered element
  • style object the styles to apply to the rendered element
  • tabIndex number or function will be applied to the rendered <Line>. When this prop is given as a function it will be called with the rest of the props supplied to Whisker
  • transform string a transform that will be supplied to elements this component renders.

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