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See this guide to animations with Victory Charts. The VictoryAnimation component is used for animating arbitrary React components and is not commonly used.

VictoryAnimation animates prop changes for any React component. To animate prop changes, define a child function that accepts an object of tweened values and other animation information and returns a component to render.

<VictoryAnimation {...animationProps} data={myComponentProps}>
{(tweenedProps, animationInfo) => {
if (animationInfo.animating && animationInfo.progress < 1) {
return <MyComponent {...tweenedProps} />;



type: (style: AnimationStyle, info: AnimationInfo) => React.ReactElement

VictoryAnimation takes a single child, which should be given as a function of a tweened props object and an animation information object. The child function should return a component to render.


type: AnimationData

The data prop specifies a set of values to tween between. When this prop changes, VictoryAnimation will begin animating between the current and next values. This prop should be given as an array or an object. VictoryAnimation uses d3-interpolate to tween between values, with some slight modifications.


type: numberdefault: 1000

The duration prop determines the number of milliseconds the animation should take to complete. This prop should be given as a number.


type: numberdefault: 10

The delay prop specifies a delay in milliseconds before the start of an animation, or between each animation in the queue. This prop should be given as a number.


type: AnimationEasingdefault: "quadInOut"

The easing prop specifies the type of easing to use for an animation. The supported types of easing are: "back", "backIn", "backOut", "backInOut", "bounce", "bounceIn", "bounceOut", "bounceInOut", "circle", "circleIn", "circleOut", "circleInOut", "linear", "linearIn", "linearOut", "linearInOut", "cubic", "cubicIn", "cubicOut", "cubicInOut", "elastic", "elasticIn", "elasticOut", "elasticInOut", "exp", "expIn", "expOut", "expInOut", "poly", "polyIn", "polyOut", "polyInOut", "quad", "quadIn", "quadOut", "quadInOut", "sin", "sinIn", "sinOut", "sinInOut".


type: () => void

The onEnd prop specifies a function that will be called when the animation ends. If there are multiple animations in the queue, the onEnd function will be called after the last animation in the queue completes.

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