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useFocus is a hook that allows to focus a given component automatically on mount or programmatically using the setFocus function.


import { useFocus } from '@react-native-ama/core';

const { setFocus } = useFocus(refComponent);
  • refComponent: (Optional) Is the React Ref of the component we want to autofocus on mount
  • setFocus: Allows to focus an element programmatically


Autofocus on mount

Automatically focus the <Text /> component when MyFancyScreen is mounted:

import { useFocus } from '@react-native-ama/core';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

const MyFancyScreen = () => {
const componentRef = React.useRef<Text>(null);


return (
<Text ref={componentRef} accessibilityRole="header">
{/* ... the screen content */}

Set focus programmatically

import { useFocus } from '@react-native-ama/core';
import { Pressable } from '@react-native-ama/react-native';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

const MyFancyScreen = () => {
const componentRef = React.useRef<Text>(null);
const { setFocus } = useFocus();

return (
<Pressable onPress={() => setFocus(componentRef.current)}>
<Text>Focus Text</Text>

<Text ref={componentRef}>Text goes here</Text>
{/* ... the screen content */}