Pie.SliceAngularInset (Component)
The Pie.SliceAngularInset
component is a child component of the Pie.Chart
component and is responsible for rendering the individual slice of a Pie
or Donut
chart. By default the Pie.SliceAngularInset
component will render a simple slice of the pie, but you can customize the rendering of each slice by providing children to the Pie.Chart
The example app inside this repo has a lot of examples of how to use the Pie.Chart
and its associated components!
The example below shows how to use Pie.SliceAngularInset
to render LinearGradient
import { View } from "react-native";
import { Pie, PolarChart } from "victory-native";
function MyChart() {
return (
<View style={{ height: 300 }}>
data={DATA} // 👈 specify your data
labelKey={"label"} // 👈 specify data key for labels
valueKey={"value"} // 👈 specify data key for values
colorKey={"color"} // 👈 specify data key for color
{({ slice }) => {
// ☝️ render function of each slice object for each pie slice
return (
<Pie.Slice />
angularStrokeWidth: insetWidth,
angularStrokeColor: insetColor,
function randomNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 125;
function generateRandomColor(): string {
// Generating a random number between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff);
// Converting the number to a hexadecimal string and padding with zeros
return `#${randomColor.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}`;
const DATA = (numberPoints = 5) =>
Array.from({ length: numberPoints }, (_, index) => ({
value: randomNumber(),
color: generateRandomColor(),
label: `Label ${index + 1}`,
The angularStrokeWidth
prop is used to set the width of the angular inset stroke.
The angularStrokeColor
prop is used to set the color of the angular inset stroke.
The animate
prop takes a PathAnimationConfig
object and will animate the path when the points changes.
This component is just a Path
under the hood, so accepts most props that a Path
would accept.